Press releases and news

  • News

    Climate strategies in the global equity portfolio

    AP4 integrates climate strategies for all investments in the global equity portfolio. These strategies are tailored to the conditions of the different sectors and sub-portfolios. The aim is to reduce the climate risks of the portfolios, contribute to the climate transition and provide a good return to the pension system.

  • News

    Thematic sustainability analysis

    AP4 continuously analyses sustainability trends and seeks out investment opportunities that are expected to contribute to, and benefit from, the transition in the long term and which also provide a good expected return. Investments with a specific focus on the climate transition are developing at a rapid rate and this year’s thematic analysis has provided AP4 with the latest knowledge and refined tools.

  • Press release

    AP Funds strengthen the Swedish income pension system by adding SEK 142 billion

    The First-Fourth AP Funds performed well in 2023 and strengthened the financial position of the income pension system by SEK 142 billion. The result corresponds to an average return of 8.1 per cent. At year-end, the four funds managed total assets of SEK 1,880 billion. The net payments of the AP Funds to the pension system totalled SEK 19 billion. This contributes strongly to the stability of the income pension system and its mission to maximise benefits for current and future pensioners.

  • Press release

    Good returns in uncertain times

    The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund (AP4) reports a good return of 9.6 per cent after costs for the full year 2023. With a profit of SEK 43.9 billion, fund capital increased to SEK 499.6 billion after SEK 4.8 billion was transferred net to the pension system during the year. The portfolio's carbon dioxide emissions decreased by 11 per cent compared to 2022 and AP4 has reduced emissions by a total of 65 per cent since 2010. AP4 takes responsibility as owner and served on 56 nomination committees during the year.