Sustainability work over time
For many years, we have worked continuously and long-term to contribute to reduced emissions and to increase the pace of climate change. It is equally important that we, as a large, active and committed owner, influence the companies we own to integrate sustainability issues into our own operations and encourage setting our own ambitious climate goals to promote the company's long-term development.
Already in 1986, we established principles for our corporate governance work and in 1993 we were the driving force in setting up the first Swedish nomination committee for institutional owners in Volvo. Our work as an active and responsible owner has continuously increased.
During 2024 we have voted at Annual General Meetings of 136 Swedish companies and 1,221 foreign companies and served on the nomination committees of 46 Swedish companies.
We were also early adopters as investors in identifying climate risks in our portfolio and reducing these risks through climate strategies in our management. Since 2010, for example, we have more than halved the carbon footprint of the listed portfolio and are continuing to work on further ambitious climate targets.
Over the years, we have implemented many initiatives and development steps in corporate governance, climate and other sustainability areas and we will continue to do so in the future.