AP4 50 years
After 50 years of operation, AP4 can report a return of SEK 608 billion to support the Swedish pension system, all during half a century when Sweden's and the rest of the world's financial markets have changed fundamentally.
We are proud of our contribution to Sweden's pensioners and how we have managed the Swedish people's public pensions through economic ups and downs for half a century. From starting operations with an initial capital of SEK 500 million, we have contributed and strengthened the pension system and today AP4 manages close to SEK 550 billion. AP4's average return has been 13% per year since 1974. Over the years, AP4 has also transferred SEK 66 billion net to the pension system. A significant contribution over 50 years. We have succeeded by being a significant investor in many companies and taking A great deal of ownership responsibility.
It all started in 1974 when the state established an AP fund to invest in Swedish equities. It was a decision that was questioned at the time as share ownership was not as widespread as it is today, neither among institutional investors such as pension funds nor among private individuals. The
The Swedish Parliament’s decision to establish the new AP Fund was motivated by the need to help protect the value of the AP Funds' investments and to improve the supply of risk capital for Swedish companies. In addition to the good returns, AP4 has been a source of risk capital, not least for Swedish listed companies, and over time has been a major contributor to the work on to develop rules on good ethics and good conduct in the Swedish stock market. In this way, AP4 has contributed to Sweden's pensioners and the national pension system over time.